Our products

Organic Medjoul dates

Organic medjool (medjool) dates come from organic certified growers. 

No artificial fertilizers, pesticides or other agrochemicals are used. A lot of attention has been paid to sustainability. The entire process from cultivation to the store is strictly controlled by SKAL. 

Asianuts BV is NL-BIO-01 certified and one of the few importers of organic medjoul dates in Europe.

We import our Organic medjoul dates from Israel and the Jordan Valley.

Medjool dates

Our conventional medjool dates are grown according to the current cultivation system.

Our growers have the Global GAP certificate, which guarantees the quality and safety of our dates. Our growers have respect for people and the environment.

We import our Medjoul dates from Israel and Morocco.

Organic Tahini (Sesame paste)

Tahni is roasted and ground sesame seeds. Tahini has been used as a key ingredient in Hummus and several other Middle Eastern recipes.

What makes our Tahini unique is that we use sweet sesame varieties and grind it very finely, up to 40 microns. Our tahini is very creamy, easy to process with a mildly nutty taste.

We supply our tahini to factories and we sell our own brand "Gil's Bio Tahini" online and in various supermarkets. 

We import our tahini from Israel, Samaria and Türkiye.


Teff is a gluten-free grain that is mainly used in East African cuisine. Teff is the main ingredient of Injera: a pancake made from fermented teff batter.

Teff is rich in vitamins and minerals and is very nutritious.

We supply the Ethnic market with Teff flour and as an ingredient for the food industry.

We import Teff from Ethiopia and South Africa.

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